NIN Live: 1994

May 26, 1994, London, UK, The Forum

Terrible Lie
March of the Pigs
Something I Can Never Have
The Only Time
Get Down Make Love
Down In It
Big Man With a Gun
Head Like a Hole
Dead Souls
Help Me I'm In Hell
Happiness in Slavery

Show Memorabilia

1994/05/26 Afterparty Pass 1994/05/26 Ticket

Known Recordings

Source 1a: Audio - PRO (Soundboard)
Taper: NIN Crew
Time: 83 minutes
Rating: 5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Something I Can Never Have, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show: .Zip File FLAC, 567.4 MB
Added to Archive: March 15th, 2010
Soundboard for the third night of the 3 night run in London. Very emotional set, and great sound from the recording. This is a cassette source from the soundboard recording. There is more hiss on this recording than the silver CDs, but the good thing about this version of the soundboard recording is that it is complete. "Happiness in Slavery" does not fade out. "Pinion" and until the first beat of "Terrible Lie" is audience sourced. Then it turns into the soundboard. A better version of this must circulate somehwere. Would love to obtain it for the archive.

Source 1b: Audio - PRO (Silver - "Hammering It Home")
Taper: NIN Crew
Time: 79 minutes - Incomplete
Rating: 5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Sin, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show: .Zip File FLAC, 567.4 MB
Added to Archive: February 15th, 2014
Soundboard source. Both of the Silver CDs are identical, there is nothing different about them. Just the titles. Incomplete, show fades out durng the breakdown of "Happiness In Slavery." Show is full soundboard source, whereas the cassette sourced soundboard copy's of "Pinion" is audience sourced.

Source 1c: Audio - PRO (Silver - "Shallow Grave")
Taper: NIN Crew
Time: 79 minutes - Incomplete
Rating: 5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Sin, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show: .Zip File FLAC, 567.4 MB
Added to Archive: February 15th, 2014
Soundboard source. Both of the Silver CDs are identical, there is nothing different about them. Just the titles. Incomplete, show fades out durng the breakdown of "Happiness In Slavery." Show is full soundboard source, whereas the cassette sourced soundboard copy's of "Pinion" is audience sourced.

Source 2: Video - AUD, Unknown Video Recording
Taper: Unknown
Time: 82 minutes
Rating: 4 out of 5
Download the Full Show: .zip file DVD-PAL, 2.7 GB
Added to Archive: March 05th, 2019
This is from the master tape. Not sure who recorded this, or how it was transferred. But this has the soundboard audio mixed in with it. Recorded from the floor, the shot is pretty decent with good stable close ups and as good as it will be filming from the floor. This is another confirmation that this board feed is from 05/26 and not from 05/24 like it has been mislabled on the bootleg CDs.