NIN Live: 2005

May 09, 2005, Toronto, Ontario, Koolhaus

You Know What You Are?
The Line Begins To Blur
March of the Pigs
Something I Can Never Have
The Hand That Feeds
Terrible Lie
With Teeth
Everyday is Exactly The Same
No, You Don't
Gave Up
Head Like a Hole

Show Memorabilia

Koolhaus 2005 Poster 2005/05/09 Ticket

Known Recordings

Source 1: Audio - AUD (Sonic Studio DSM-6S/L + PA-6LC3B (170) + Sony PCM-M1)
Taper: Mike P.
Time: 90 minutes
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Everyday Is Exactly The Same, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show: .Zip File FLAC, 521 MB
Added to Archive: August 05th, 2014
Uncirculated up until August 2014. Almost 10 years on! When I uploaded the few uncirculated Crimson recordings a few weekends ago I asked if anyone had a few recordings from any of the shows I don't have on the archive of the club run in 2005. I received an email from Mike P. who happened to tape the first night from the two shows in Toronto! There has never been a source from the first night of the Toronto shows. There was one taper in attendance who had minidisc issues the first show and up until now, there had been no leads or any info on anyone taping the show. I had basically just stopped trying to search for anything. Mike was kind enough to send me the master DAT to transfer! I was very excited to hear/work on it. Indeed, the tape does sound great! A fantastic recording to relive this performance! 08/05 Edit: Changed the equipment information because Mike told me different in an email but I just looked at his txt file he did when he tracked the recording back in 2005.