NIN Live: 1991

August 11, 1991, Stanhope, NJ, Waterloo Village

Now I'm Nothing
Terrible Lie
Physical (You're So)
The Only Time
Get Down, Make Love
Down In It
Head Like a Hole

Show Memorabilia

08/11/1991 Ticket

Known Recordings

Source 1: Audio - AUD, Unknown
Taper: Unknown
Time: 45 minutes
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Wish, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show: .Zip File FLAC, 283.2 MB
Added to Archive: March 17th, 2014
This is a different recording altogether from source 2. Thankfully someone has sent me a few low gen cassettes from the earlier tours. The recording is "ok." But this is my first time seeing this show in lossless format. During "Terrible Lie" there is some artifacts from the tape. I have transferred this twice and they are still there. Must be due to it being over a 20 year old tape. This is the 16 bit version. This can be burned straight to CD. If you would like the 24 bit version of this recording, you can find it on DIME or on the NIN Drive.

Source 2: Audio - AUD, Unknown
Taper: Unknown
Time: 47 minutes
Rating: 3 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Wish, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show: .Zip File MP3 - 256, 90.8 MB
Added to Archive: May 14th, 2014
This is an mp3 sourced recording. It's an ok recording, but I'd definitely love to have a lossless copy with a lower gen for this show. The mp3 version runs a bit slow and I am not sure if its even worth fixing it. If you have a better copy, please get in contact.