NIN Live: 1994

May 28, 1994, Ghent, Belgium, Voorhult

Terrible Lie
March of the Pigs
Something I Can Never Have
The Only Time
Get Down Make Love
Down In It
Big Man With a Gun
Head Like a Hole

Show Memorabilia

1994/05/28 Ticket

Known Recordings

Source 1: Video - AUD (Video 8 Recording)
Taper: Unknown
Time: 68 minutes
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Stream Online: Watch on YouTube
Download the Full Show: .zip file MKV - 576p, 2.65 GB
Added to Archive: February 06th, 2019 UPDATE: April 4th, 2021
This is one of the best early video audience recordings of 1994. This is filmed from the rear-center of the venue and has some great steady close ups! Sound is very good too! I would highly suggest grabbing this one! - UPDATE: I was messaged about a year ago about some tapers getting together, pooling some funds and obtaining a few master videos from Europe to transfer. This was the only Nine Inch Nails video in the lot. I had sort of forgotten about it until it was dropped in my inbox! Thank you to DW for transferring this and RL for organizing and liberating these master tapes. This video is source 1 on the archive and a MASSIVE upgrade from the original source on the archive. I assume the PAL version was from a VHS copy bootleg. A higher gen and a bit grainy. The new master transfer is excellent. Crystal clear and full view of the stage with really nice close ups, filmed from the rear-center.