NIN Live: 1995

September 28, 1995, East Rutherford, NJ, Meadowlands

Terrible Lie
March of the Pigs
The Becoming
Piggy (Nothing Can Stop Me Now)
Closer to God
Gave Up
Down In It
Eraser (Instrumental)
Scary Monsters

Show Memorabilia

1995/09/28 Ticket

Known Recordings

Source 1a: Audio - AUD, Unknown Video Source
Taper: Unknown
Time: 77 minutes - Incomplete
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Gave Up, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show: .Zip File FLAC, 584 MB
Added to Archive: August 29th, 2015
This audio source is ripped from the video recording of this night. Audio is pretty good and this is also the only source available from this night. Big thanks to Ligushka of the DM Live Wiki for transferring the VHS tape audio, hope to soon get the video from it as well! A huge thanks to Ryan W. for sharing the VHS tape with me. I know I have had it for years and been meaning to transfer it, so it should be done relatively soon and will get it back into your hands. The video of this source is good as well. Filmed from a tripod, the shot is obviously stable and unobstructed. Must note that 'Terrible Lie' is missing the beginning, as many shows from this tour do, so it is somewhat incomplete. The full Bowie set was recorded as well. But, as usual, not available on the archive.

Source 1b: Video - AUD, Unknown Video Source
Taper: Unknown
Time: 151 minutes - Includes Bowie Set
Rating: 3 out of 5
Download the Full Show: .zip file MKV - 480p, 5.99 GB
Added to Archive: June 29th, 2020
A very good audience recording. There are a few spots where the HiFi audio drops out and the normal linear audio track is played, but they are only a couple seconds long each time. There isn't a lot of dynamic range and it sounds pretty reverberated, but that's to be expected from camera audio. The beginning of "Terrible Lie" is missing, "Breaking Glass" is missing a segment near the beginning, and "Nite Flights" has a small missing segment toward the end of the song, otherwise this seems to be a complete recording as far as I know - but I did not listen to much of the Bowie set. Thanks to Matt for transferring this. Thanks to RJ Wood for allowing me to have this tape for probably close to 8-9 years before sending it back? Like Matt said, this tape is decent. Would definitely love a lower gen of this footage, as it is one of the better video recordings from the outside tour.The aspect ratio is messed on this. Again, I am still trying to figure out video editing/archiving. When loaded into video players, it's stretched. But you can adjust the aspect ratio to 4:3 in order to get the proper alignment.

Source 2: Audio - AUD, Unknown Audience Recording "Beaten On The Outside"
Taper: Unknown
Time: 28 minutes - Incomplete - Including Bowie Set
Rating: 1 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Hallo Spaceboy, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show: .Zip File MP3 - 320, 182.3 MB
Added to Archive: March 28th, 2020
Includes the Bowie set. Starts during the NIN/Bowie section. It's a pretty bad recording because the transfer level was so low. No point to fix this version because it's an mp3 copy and I should be looking for a new source of this. Would love it if anyone has one!