NIN Live: 1995

October 01, 1995, Tinley Park, IL, New World Music Theater

Terrible Lie
March of the Pigs
The Becoming
Piggy (Nothing Can Stop Me Now)
Gave Up
Down In It
Eraser (Instrumental)
Scary Monsters

Show Memorabilia

1995/10/01 Ticket 1995/10/01 Ticket 1995/10/01 Ticket

Known Recordings

Source 1: Audio - AUD (Silver - "Oh No, Not Me... I've Lost It")
Taper: Unknown
Time: 29 minutes - Incomplete - Includes Bowie Set
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Scary Monsters, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show: .Zip File FLAC, 515.5 MB
Added to Archive: March 26th, 2014
Incomplete recording. Starts during the Bowie/NIN segment. Anyone who has been to Tinley knows it's notorious for being a horrible venue for sound. This is a prime example of it. Although this says it is sourced from a Silver CD, I am not quite sure. Should be noted that David Bowie had a bout of the flu this night and his set was shorter than normal. If anyone has the full NIN set, please get in contact.

Source 2: Video - AUD, Unknown Video Recording
Taper: Unknown
Time: 113 minutes - Incomplete NIN (Includes Bowie)
Rating: 2.5 out of 5
Download the Full Show: .zip file DVD-NTSC, 3.8 GB
Added to Archive: May 12th, 2019
NIN's set is recorded starting during the middle of 'Sanctified.' This includes Bowie's set as well. Half of NIN's set the filmer tries to record the stage and then starts to film the screens. I guess this was a normal thing on this tour? Either way, it's an ok recording once they start to film the screens. I for one am not a fan of these. But it's a decent document of the show.