Copy of A
Less Than
March of the Pigs
The Frail
The Wretched
Gave Up
I Can’t Give Everything Away (David Bowie Cover)
The Lovers
The Great Destroyer
Burning Bright (Field On Fire)
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like a Hole
Source 1: Audio - AUD (Schoeps MK4 > CMR 2M > Naiant tinybox > Sony PCM-M10)
Taper: Me, I'm Not
Time: 100 minutes
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Wish, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show:
.Zip File FLAC - 24-Bit, 2.3 GB
.Zip File FLAC - 16-Bit, 565.6 MB
Added to Archive: July 21st, 2017
The first recording to be released from the 2017 run of shows. First performance since August 2014 for Nine Inch Nails. Thanks to Sheepdean for sending over the mp3 of the recording to the archive, initally. Later in the day, I was sent the respective 24/96 FLAC file version in which I changed the tags of the FLAC files to align with the naming system of the archive. I have also created a 16-bit version for those who still like CDs and don't want the huge 24 bit files. Initially, I was told this was an anonymous source. But it turns out it's from our friend Me, I'm Not; who did a fantastic run of shows recording How To Destroy Angels in 2013. Tape is excellent. Recorded from section 105. Thanks to everyone involved with bringing this recording to light. I hope there will be more to come from this year’s tour. (and possibly this Me, I'm Not taper will contact me so we can chat and I can thank them personally!)
Source 2: Audio - AUD (DPA 4061s + BB + Sony PCM-M10)
Taper: Coolerluzi
Time: 99 minutes
Rating: 5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Less Than, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show:
.Zip File FLAC, 697.1 MB
Added to Archive: July 23rd, 2017
Recoreded in front of the right stack. Another great recording done by Coolerluzi. Another notable recording of his is the Wiltern show from 2009. This is a 16bit/48kHZ recording. This has to be converted to 16/44.1 if you want to burn to a CD.
Source 3: Audio - AUD (Roland R05 + Internal Mics)
Taper: Innerturmoil
Time: 100 minutes
Rating: 2.5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Piggy, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show:
.Zip File FLAC - 24-Bit, 1.6 GB
Added to Archive: July 23rd, 2017
Although not what the taper wanted out of the recording, I don't discriminate when it comes to adding sources to the archive. I am always impressed with how well the R05's internal mics handle high SPLs of concerts. Taped a few feet from the speaker, this came out a bit boomy. But I appreciate innerturmoil's willingness to record the concert. If there were no other sources to pop up, this would be it! You can never expect someone else is going to tape the show. So, big thanks to innerturmoil for sending this over. I am very happy to add it to the archive!
Source 4: Audio - AUD (Olympus WS-852)
Taper: Jeff H.
Time: 97 minutes
Rating: 2.5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: The Wretched, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show:
.Zip File MP3 - 320, 203.9 MB
Added to Archive: August 21st, 2017
Thanks to Jeff getting a hold of me via twitter about taping the show with his Olympus voice recorder. The recording is bassy and is mono only. The conundrum with this recording is that it was recorded in mp3, but was also recorded in 24 bit. Since it was already a lossy source, I converted this recording to 16/44 and left it as the mp3 source it already was. I believe it was overkill to be recorded in 24 bit as an mp3.
For a voice recorder, the tape is actually pretty good. I bet the location of which it was recorded helped a great deal.
Like I’ve said in the past, I will take ANY sort of NIN recordings and add them into the archive. Regardless of quality. Big thanks to Jeff again!
Source 5: Video - PRO (Pro-Shot)
Taper: Nine Inch Nails
Time: 6 minutes
Rating: 5 out of 5
Download the Full Song: .zip file MP4-1080p, 121.4 MB
Added to Archive: June 16th, 2019
Ripped off NIN's YouTube page. This was the first two songs from the start of the night and their first time performing since 2014.
Source 6: Video - AUD (iPhone 7+)
Taper: Zeegrizzle
Time: 100 minutes
Rating: 3 out of 5
Watch the Full Show: YouTube
Download the Full Show: .zip file MOV - 1080p, 13.5 GB
Added to Archive: August 18th, 2024
Another one from zeegrizzle. This was filmed from the side of the stage, Robin's side. Unobstructed view.